Comments from Wimmers

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-14 20:34:20 Family Only u lost me at the 1st im lost gees thanks retard!
What is this rubbish you have written on my story. Have you no manners or were you born ignorant? You write like a five year old. I agree with the other reader who seems to think you are something of a simpleton. If you have constructive criticism by all means post it, but not in the style of a dimwit which you come across as. Now go away and come back when a little intelligence has managed to soak its way into your thick skull. Thank you.
2012-02-06 13:29:48 Two friends at a bar It is just you noajoke you are miserable. lol. lol. lol.
2012-05-18 18:20:32 Hi Twisted, I see marcdoodle has voted negative on each part of this. I don't think it is a case of him not liking the stories, he must have social issues he can't deal with.
2012-07-26 09:25:32 What a Shock. Below, I am so sorry you did not enjoy what I hoped would be a small piece of entertainment. However, thank you so much for taking the time to comment, and once again sorry for my inadequate sex joke.
2012-07-28 19:33:13 QUICKIES. Thank you for taking the time to comment, it is very kind of you.