2011-08-17 11:02:08 |
How much can you get in?
Just popping by to say hi to all my adoring fans, you may masturbate while you think about me. |
2011-08-17 17:59:32 |
How much can you get in?
Below, you know so little. You worry about people like me in the world, yet you support the people who say they pray every night for me and my family to die. It is imbeciles like you who shout your mouth off without having a clue about what has been said that make me vomit. Show me where I have spammed ANYONE. Everything I write is in my NAME, you are just a piece of half witted shit that believes what anonymous write in my name. Learn about the postings of half wit spammers before you attempt to speak again, you thick fucking dozy cunt face bastard. |
2011-08-17 18:12:19 |
How much can you get in?
And you you piece of dick brained afterbirth who called me a mispeller, you have called me a (douchbag) on all my stories. You spelt it wrong every time, don't tell me as an English teacher about grammar. I have had my rage, now i will return to looking down on you again, bow before me. lol.lol.lol. I will try not to step on you, dont want to spread shit everywhere do I? lol.lol.lol. |
2011-08-17 18:14:06 |
Third Party.
I have got you anonymous coward, lol.lol.lol. |
2011-08-18 16:17:31 |
Family Only
Thank you, now you can see the imbeciles I have been putting up with all this time. I feel like a missionary trying to educate a hopless society. |