Comments from Michael Miller

Date Story title Comment
2008-12-04 05:49:00 Winter At Beech Mountain Chapter 9 I thank you all for your interest and support....
I"ve written my true story mostly from recollection..I've used my records as my journal , and going through them , several more stories have crossed my mind...
I've considered an earlier timeline -- when I was 12-13 and learned about sex from an 18yr old "nanny".. She was the one who gave me my "calling" to massage..It's a little kinky..
Some of you might be offended. If enough interest is expressed , it would make an interesting read .............
Thanx Connereight ---I'm trying , but have much room to improve
2008-12-04 14:44:04 Winter At Beech Mountain I would welcome your obvious talents in grammar and structure.. Please get my e-mail from my profile.. I'll listen , I promise.. Probably the reason Penthouse Forum rejected the offer of a series a year ago.. I appreciate your input. Dano
2008-12-06 00:51:14 The Lost Chapters--Condensed I told the readers that kept wanting these chapters they were only a prelude to the mountain series..
I had went to Atlanta the week before going to Beech. I only wrote them to demonstrate how I traveled from one extreme to the other ,one state to another ..plying my trade..
In condensing , some of the storyline shifted , and for that ,I have learned a valuable lesson,and will always save before posting. Thanx for the constructive comments-- I still have a lot to learn... Dano
2008-12-07 11:50:27 The Lost Chapters--Condensed You have no idea what you're asking Nightlust.. That would make the Beech story look like a short story..I might try it a little later though, if enough interest is shown Thanx for your votes and support Dano
2008-12-08 23:02:21 Have Hands-Will Travel Those would be posted as "The Lost Chapters" and I apologize for not doing that part right..
"Winter At Beech Mountain" actually starts with Chapter 4
I'm working on "The Early Years" and will be offline a few days putting it together..
It tells how I began to learn this trade on the west coast cruise ships as an apprentice of a masseur..
Thank You for your vote and support----Dano