Comments from Michael Miller

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-10 00:43:42 Have Hands --Will Travel Baby-- 2 I just go with the flow, and give my clients what they ask for. Thanks for the input though... Dano
2009-02-12 15:09:52 Sex shop girls Don't you just love the drawn-out accent the ladies use there? I think it's sexy as hell.. and the ones I've had knew how to use that thing too! ......... Dano
2009-02-13 23:09:11 Have Hands--Will Travel ---- Nicole 2 I visit with Nicole a couple of times a year. I'm gonna try to keep to the timeline so as not to confuse readers ..
My next chapters will pick up on the visit to Naples, Florida with Sandra and Debra..
In the near future, Sandra and I fly in for a visit and she and Matt hit it off well ...
Nicole and I will always be close, and I might retire there someday.... Dano
2009-02-20 00:52:44 Have Hands-- Will Travel -- Nicole 1 I appreciate everyone's comments and support... My stories are a labor of love ....I want to pass on all I've experienced over the years to as many as wish to read it.......... Chao----Dano
2009-02-24 22:52:42 I see what you mean now Ice.. Dano