Comments from __littlehotmess

Date Story title Comment
2009-01-01 04:23:25 New Year's Eve Passion Party Rushed. Not enough detail. I got bored.
2009-01-09 03:25:47 This part wasn't as good as the first.
It's just so entirely different, I don't know.
It was lacking, some how.
Like you rushed it, or something.
2009-01-09 04:14:46 Terror in the Snowstorm – Aftermath Love this story.
Very cute and romantic, I hope you can find a way to give us more!
2009-01-10 04:34:39 The Shower_(4) Cute.
2009-02-08 03:03:14 Movie Night.( Part 1.) If I get a few more comments, I might think about writing the next part. But so far, I'm not really thinking I will.