Comments from __littlehotmess

Date Story title Comment
2009-04-18 04:09:26 Theres a wolf in the fold... Cute.
2009-05-09 04:51:20 Smooth body shine as sun lol @ the person that said 7/10.
2009-07-14 02:51:51 Audrina and Serena (Part 1) I did not submit this to anything else.
Thanks a lot for letting me know!
2011-04-09 01:12:45 Audrina and Serena part 3 fuck you. i wrote this and then just copy/pasted. its not like it's hard to read you jackass. go buy an erotic book if you want fucking perfection
2011-10-29 21:10:56 Sooo hot. I am too wet after reading that, gotta go 'play' (;