Comments from Merc098

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-28 22:44:51 Primal Urge Well done very well done. I Applaud you
2011-06-28 22:53:19 Primal Urge Pt 2 Another job well done. Please continue writing you have talent.
2011-07-02 18:20:29 I have a Dick and a Pussy Okay then well not too bad I've read worse. But seriously I'm trying to be nice here. Look over this story and do a little editing, your grammer needs some improvement. Also add more detail to your paragraphs, and stop using ( ) with " " marks it just looks stupid. Not a bad plot for a story bt please think about rewriting this.
2011-07-13 23:24:35 Kelly's Magical Saterday um okay. well for one rather short and too fast paced. second you should have separated what was happening to both women. and one more thing this reminds me of Kelly's plant and the symbiotic sex plant. not too bad though.
2011-07-13 23:42:10 a night in the woods haven't read this yet but gonna give you some advice Paragraphs! please just one single thing really fucks with the eyes.