Comments from Flesh of the Fallen Angel

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-06 18:18:10 Routine Questioning It was ... interesting.
2009-02-07 18:07:16 Morgan is a bitch I hate proof reading ... I try to just make it right the first time. I don't really have the attention span to go over the story 3 or 4 times to make sure that I got all the spelling mistakes.

Anyway, you know girls who would like this? Awesome. lol.

And yeah, the hot wax in the ass was just a punishment kind of thing ... lol
2009-02-10 00:44:44 Morgan is a bitch To the second one down: Are you female? Are you into guys? I think you sound like a vary interesting person ;) lol

To the one just below this comment: I am considering it. I would have written the story by now, but I don't have much spare time.
2009-02-11 22:33:14 In the not so lonely darkness It didn't turn you on? Why was that? And by "this stuff" what exactly do ya mean?
2009-02-16 21:03:08 .I Hope You'll Get Addicted. Needs to be a bit more descriptive, but it was still good. I liked it.