Comments from Flesh of the Fallen Angel

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-22 23:29:17 Morgan is a bitch Did everyone notice all of the tags? I mean, don't bitch and moan about a story when it says BDSM and rape. Because it's incorporating both into the same story. You see?

And thanks for the editing tips. I rushed the story a bit because this story was only ment to be a one-off story and a good afternoon. Although, it turned into a series. I hope to continue the series. And I also hope to start a different series after this one. I just love writing stories. Especially ones that make people so wet/hard.

READER below, why is it "So fucking stupid really dumb"? At least I can use basic grammar. Well, you did put a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence but you didn't put a comma in when you needed to.
2009-02-23 00:03:45 Friendly Skies I fucking loved it! And I totally saw the incest twist coming! lol! (No pun intended) LOL!!!
2009-02-23 19:40:51 Nude Wresting I didn't like the shifting point of view, but the idea is great. I would love to see more of it!
2009-02-25 22:32:51 Kathy's Twin Sister I LOVE IT!!! Twin are the best.
2009-02-25 22:55:30 Computer Games_(1) I liked it very much! Italics or no italics.