Comments from Lustdemon
Date | Story title | Comment |
2009-03-14 15:43:25 | Lesbian Vengeance | This was a horror story and it was not to my taste.The main criticism I would make is that you did not categorise the story correctly. This is a very dark story and the many readers would initally be expecting something a bit more light hearted from the catgorisation and the title. Otherwise, the story was well written. |
2009-03-22 13:33:00 | My Wife's Christmas Affair | Reminds me of a homeric epic, but in a good way. Very well written. |
2009-03-22 18:33:59 | Office Visit | Well written, but seemed to stop after the introduction. Also, there sems to be two stories in one here; Frank and the Doctor. You may be trying to complicate things a little. Also, as mentioned, double spacing would be appreciated. |
2009-03-22 20:31:16 | Lingerie Love | Pretty good. But considering the story was about panties, I was dissapointed the panties came off. i prefer stories where the panties stay on. |
2009-03-23 17:29:48 | Chocolate Loving | More funny than erotic. But still an enjoyable story. |