Comments from Lustdemon

Date Story title Comment
2009-03-29 18:26:58 Harry Potter and the Imperius Curse. Loved it! I'm not really into Harry Potter, but I enjoyed this. Great humour mixed with sordid sex is the perfect blend in my view.
2015-07-17 13:45:19 Common Erotic Mistakes_(0) Some interesting observations. The first few are general points that could apply to all stories, not just sex stories.

I partly agree with your second range of points. One one hand, I say that it is up to the author to set the scene. If they want to write about a early developing 14 year only pounding a woman with enormous tits with his over-sized cock, then so be it. Just as about every sex-story is a fantasy. And any scene written in a half-decent way is going to fit with someone's fantasy. Also, And in my view, if one reader loves the story, then it has succeeded, no matter what others think of the content or quality.

However, I agree that more variety would make for more interesting stories. I am sure that some authors assume that some elements (such as big cocks and tits) automatically make a good story. This is not the case.
2015-07-17 14:14:21 How rite goot - A trolls guide to better storytelling That's depressing. I now see I have been doing everything wrong.

But on a serious note, that was very funny and amusing. I enjoyed reading it. Good work.
2015-07-18 08:12:18 How To Eat A Pussy Interesting and informative post. Some I already kne, and some I didn't.

Of course, reality does not always fit well with some sex stories that some of us want to read or right., but it is good to know some background.

I suppose the key thing to know is that each woman is different. And the a particular woman may happen to like what is being done to her, even it it is not consistent with what is typical. A reminder that what we usually read in rest stories is not typical.
2016-06-19 10:54:40 How to Write a Terrible Sex Story First of all, it's od to see an essay that is actually a proper essay. Essays should be for analysis and opinion, not just more stories.

I think most of your criticisms are valid. In technical terms, you are right to say that many stories are unrealistic and fail to build character. However, I suppose that readers expect to lay aside realism. After all, if we are to tight a realistic sex-stories, many would be about failing to get it up, premature ejeculation, anxiety about disease/pregnancy and general disappointment that thing we're not as good as expected.

I hesitate to call a popular story bad, even if it technically is. In the end, if people read a story and enjoy it, then it is a good story for some. Consumers often do not have an eye for quality. This is demonstrated in the popularity of action movies over intelligent dramas. The latter is a better story and more real, but the former is more popular.