Comments from Lustdemon

Date Story title Comment
2020-04-10 13:33:09 The Basics of Actually Good Erotica Good essay. Nice to read stuff from people who understand what the essay section is actually for.

I have written some erotica, but it's pretty poor and not worth reading (except my parody story which is funny for a certain type of humour and doesn't even have that much sex in it, but I digress).

The main reason I wrote erotica is in the hope of making my fantasy seem more real. But that did not work at all. I have found better ways to imagine and recreate erotic scenes without needing to write a story.
2020-04-13 10:19:18 Living With Erectile Dysfunction Very interesting essay. At first, I thought this was going to be another sex story, but was pleased to see that it addresses a more factual issue.

Erectioe difunction is more common than many, may realise. And it can exacerbated by lack of confidence, familiarity, the Ned for specific stimulation and age. Drugs like viagra do help of course, but they can have side-effects and it is a chore to take them.

As for myself, lack of confidence was the real killer for me. I was not fortunate to even have minor success until my mid-twenties. And by them my lack of experience and confidence made it awkward.

You were lucky to have a partner who showed stone understanding. Not all women do. Some women just don't understand that a man doesn't always get a raging hard on by looking at their naked bodies. Even if a woman shows understanding, I always felt I was letting us both down, and feared she would end up looking fo 'a real man' eventually.
2021-02-07 15:30:50 'No' means no, but does 'Yes' mean yes? Men normally try to impose control through laws (dictating morality) or through money, either through prostitution or restricting women's economic freedoms. To some extent, these two forms of imposition can contradict each other and within themselves.

Then there is the difficulty in defining what is sexist and inappropriate behaviour. For some women, no may mean yes in some circumstances, because she wants to be pursued by an individual. But of course, she won't feel that way in most circumstances or with most potential partners. It feels, to me that current liberal philosophy does not cater for such things. And it means that certain forms of flirting may be stifled by liberal values.

And it should be noted that I myself regard myself as a liberal in these matters. I'm just aware that imposing restrictions and not imposing them can both reduce someone's freedom.
2021-02-07 15:21:24 'No' means no, but does 'Yes' mean yes? Good to see people use the essay section to discuss serious subjects. I found your essay informative and naturally submitted the positive response it deserves. It always irritates me that people on this site are so ready to click the negative bottom just because it's not a hard core sex story.

The issue itself is rather complex and difficult to resolve for the various reasons you brought up. Provide too much freedom and people can end up accepting exploitation as part of that freedom. But if you restrict these freedoms, you have one person deciding what is appropriate behaviour of another person, and why is that appropriate.

There are many reasons for sexual oppression. One is just dogma, whereby a ***********ure or law must be obeyed because it does. But the real reason for such oppression is for men to control reproduction in their favour. Normally men are the drivers of sexual oppression because they don't control reproduction process.
2021-02-07 10:02:28 INTRODUCTION TO EROTIC DAYDREAMING @Truthvstradition - Many thanks for your constructive and positive feedback on my post. I wasn't sure how interested users of this site would be in topics relating to erotic philosophy. It pleases me that at least one person has shown some sort of positive interest in the topic..many thanks.