Comments from scorpiostories101

Date Story title Comment
2009-03-12 17:45:24 Maybe I Missed Her Call i agree, there are some spelling mistakes, but the story itself was very nice and the teasing is great
2009-03-12 17:46:26 Maybe I Missed Her Call and there were alot of ideas given to me on this story, thanx to all of you for the advice!!!!
2009-03-14 14:03:22 Maybe I Missed Her Call haha thnkyou
2009-04-03 18:35:53 Nicole and her mother's boyfriends has a nasty virus......but im still writing, getting the computer fixed, keep hangin in there!!!!! thanx to all!
2009-04-12 20:20:02 Izzy and I pt 7 im enjoying the stories, ignore the negitivity