Comments from scorpiostories101

Date Story title Comment
2009-04-15 18:40:06 Me And Mike In The Treehouse - Part 2 awsome story. i hope to read more from u.
2009-04-15 21:43:31 My downward spiral to becoming a slut Chapter 22 – Finding happiness awe i love each chapter more and more, I hope they stay together. best stories on this site!
2009-04-15 21:46:30 The Cedar Street Chronicles - Chapter 1: Welcoming The Lewis Family I've already written the second chapter, and started the third, still thinking about posting them. If you give me a negitive rating, please comment to let me know what you didnt like, so i can make the story better. thanx for ALL of your ratings though.
2009-04-16 14:46:23 The Cedar Street Chronicles - Chapter 1: Welcoming The Lewis Family Thankyou, yea i re-read it today and noticed a few things i got mixed up. If i post the second story, ill make sure to reread before i post. keep the comments coming!