Comments from itiswhatitis

Date Story title Comment
2009-04-27 00:38:17 MY STORY_(9) Well written .... i had a very special lady in my life who wrote some poems. I never read them until after she passed away. She wrote of crying, pain, hope. She was only 38.
She had Cancer. I did the best i could for her. I hope you find someone to be with you. LOVE is powerful. Try to ignore the twits on this site. They are a sorry lot.
2009-04-27 00:41:51 Fantasy_(0) I like your writing.
2009-04-27 00:42:55 Memories of Love How true ...
2009-04-27 08:29:30 My Niece Emma_(1) i don't know what to say.
2009-04-28 01:37:14 Total Strangers good story ..... thanks writer