2009-05-02 20:22:16 |
well written ... |
2009-05-29 21:14:29 |
Fun with a Banana (My First story)
hell of a way to treat a banana |
2009-06-06 11:13:32 |
Friend, or something else?
nicely done ... Now i have to walk around all day thinking how tight a womens anus can be ..oooh ! |
2009-06-08 02:54:20 |
My Wife's Christmas Affair
verywell written . good story line ..believable ...i lliked it. |
2009-06-12 02:42:03 |
YUP ! Pedophillia is incurrable ..so THEY say.. proud to learn that you have taken charge ..keeping yourself away from children ...etc ......... We all have our own demons, not just pedophillia, ... keeping them in check is what counts. You are a credit to the human race. So many are NOT. |