Comments from pineapplelovers69

Date Story title Comment
2009-11-23 06:47:02 The Rabbit Died - Chapter 2 Thanks for the vote of confidence, SSB. We're working on the final intallment, but work and holidays are getting in the way.

Erin & Steve
2009-11-25 06:49:23 Noel It wasn't a sex story. It was a beautifully woven tale of a special kind of love. Thank you.
2010-03-31 05:27:53 The Rabbit Died - Chapter 3 To wantsomefun:

Yes, there are two of us and we each wrote portions of the story. It started off to be a humorous piece simply about an older woman's sexual rediscovery. We thought we would give it ago, so we passed it back and forth. We're glad you liked it.
2010-07-31 08:42:42 Sicilian Adventure You painted a beautiful picture of romance. Stunning vistas, believable characters. Just wonderful.
2010-07-31 08:44:01 Sweet Little Lucy Likes My Wheelchair Another wonderful story from a really good writer. Thanks, JAT!