2012-08-24 00:05:54 |
Jason's Little Family (rewrite) Chapter 1
How did Jason go from a 7" Dick in the Original to a 5" Dick in the Rewrite? |
2016-08-05 17:29:07 |
Lake Tannin 3
Will you do a Chapter#4 where the Cousins come back. and The Renters are introduced to More Pleasures then they are used to. Plus the three Ladies in Chapter #3 could have a Friend or Friends going through a Bad time that need What he has to Offer. and so Far No Woman has gotten Pregnant. Maybe the New Ladies need to be Bred and go back to their Husbands. |
2016-08-12 03:46:40 |
Not The Only One Chapters 1-2_(0)
Nice Start we know some of the Main Characters and know why he is in the Lead since Dad Died. Now it would be nice to learn how they spring it on him that he has to Make the Decision's. |
2016-11-13 04:52:25 |
Newfound Powers Chapter 4: Recreation
Nice Story . Are you going to Add more to it. Considering his sister He should make her his Slave. Just to be sure she does not Mouth off about what she thinks he did. |
2016-07-30 08:25:34 |
Staying Close to My Sister (and Mom)_(2)
Loved the Story. You will need a few more chapters to bring it Close. Like the next chapter they will be Working & finding out the Women are Pregnant. Then they need to Decide stay there or Move to someplace new. Maybe bring in a Submissive Girl to Front as his GF . Then Impregnate her to keep her close He could Marry mom and Sis. on the way to their new Home. and Marry the Submissive in their new Town. |