Comments from cijababe

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-18 02:17:37 Late Arrival NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR
Apologies for the typo in the title - and for not telling folks to read my previous two so that it makes more sense. Thanks to all for your kind comments on this and the others.
2010-06-22 17:59:51 Thankyou - I'm working on a stand alone piece for the next writer's competition, but will return to this one when I can. The 'inspiration' for the previous character dropped out of the picture, hence Cija having to toughen up.....
2010-07-11 16:20:42 Remember That Night Beautiful, Jayney xx
2010-07-24 04:27:35 Alexis Season 1 (Parts 1-5) Loved it - great work sweetie

2010-07-26 08:53:44 Teacher's Summer Vacation Really great but some errors, you switched tenses - a but more proofreading next time. Loved it anyway.......
