Comments from sanctobosco

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-11 08:39:28 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 2 An excellent and honest reminiscence. You are a very very lucky man, Bushpilot. You must love AND lust after Maryanne very much for the last 35 years. I hope you are both still enjoying your exciting love/lust life!
2011-03-14 10:12:45 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 2 Maryanne has become even more sexy and desirable at a second reading...Beautiful!!!....Must re-read it once more.......
2011-03-15 19:42:38 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 3 You conclude by remarking that you are "completely addicted to her sexiness". Meet a fellow addict...Thank you Bushpilot...and Maryanne, of course....
Is there any possibility of joining the gang for the next bang? Now THAT would be a dream come true!
2011-03-16 08:03:55 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 3 Good Morn Bushpilot, I'm sure that within a week I could lead a gang of "Anonymous readers" who, I'm certain, would 'bang' Maryanne to a new world record.
One problem...I expect you would want them to shed their 'anonymity' before you would be permitted them to shed Maryanne's clothes.....
2011-03-28 19:52:49 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 4 The tale of your married life is developing into a very sexy sensuous saga, Bushpilot. I can hardly wait until it comes up to the present day....and I'd love to be there for one of the final chapters....I could serve hors d'oeuvres...and mop Maryanne's glowing brow and any other parts that might be damp.... Thanks again for the lovely images.