Comments from sanctobosco

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-29 07:05:46 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 3 could NEVER be too slutty, Maryanne. Please tell your husband to continue with your joint memories......Have you both proceeded in the same sexual vein for the whole of your marriage.....up to the present? As I asked elsewhere, do you need a waiter? A window cleaner? A personal dresser?.....Or an undresser?...... Sox
2011-03-29 09:19:33 My wife Maryanne The point of the story is to titillate and entertain and it appears to have achieved that for 90.6% of the 159 readers who voted for it.
If I had achieved 90.6% for any essay I had written at college, I'd have been delighted!
It is not Shakespeare, ever hear of him? Nor is it the Marquis de Sade who I suspect you have never heard of. Why bother with a negative comment? Just move on to something you that rocks your rocks.....such as my stories?
2011-03-29 09:45:26 My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 2 Re. the previous comment, may I ask you Bushpilot, why didn't you stay and watch rather than going for a walk? Surely it would have been a a bigger turn-on for you, watching your wife fuck John, which is what I think was really going on, not John fucking your Maryanne.
2011-03-29 17:42:18 THE HERMAPHRODITE There are 146 exclamation marks in that little fantasy....It wasn't THAT exciting... One other point, which, as a woman, you must surely be aware of. The clit in a woman is rudimentary prick which didn't develop in the womb, so would be a rare human indeed that would have a clit AND a cock, seeing as we would have one or the other (That nearly calls for an exclamation, but, no, I wont be tempted...
2011-04-23 15:14:21 Maryanne’s Story – Secret Kisses More please Author! While "mature" lesbian stories are common fantasy tales, true memories are as rare as hen's teeth. If you keep 'em cummin' Maryanne, I'll keep cummin'. Do you need a wine waiter at these get togethers? I'll start taking lessons.... U.S.A. here I come, or 'cum', take your pick....or just take ecstasy ...