Comments from ssalo

Date Story title Comment
2010-05-01 00:28:47 A.P.-

For me, the last five words are the "cherry on top." I've never nursed a forlorn hope for so long. (Except once in high school.)

As it should be, I have no idea where you're going to take us with "Sublimated" but I sure don't want to miss the ride.

I've said before that I like long, wild roller coasters and this definitely qualifies in spades. I thank you again.

2010-05-07 22:05:45 Love at Second Sight Wow. You've got some serious competition here but this story has all the romance, suspense, and happy ending that I could ask for. If you can figure out a way to continue it, I'm sure I'm not the only one that would love it.

You know you're on a roll when people who hate this (filth) read it anyway so that they can leave you (nasty) comments for your own good. Even wife doesn't care enough about me to suffer through this (filth) for my own good.

2010-05-08 00:14:27 On a Moonlit Night, Wishes May Come True What he said: Wantsomefun's comment said it for me too.

"a wolf or mountain lion" brought back the yellow eyed animal and full moon. That combination created a strong suspicion of Christopher's part.

The wine's unusual effect on Lauren (as well as being Christopher's sister) made Audrey an enigma that I didn't figure out until the very end. Color me slow. I prefer to call it a mystery very well written.

Sofistikadedly yours;
2010-05-08 18:42:08 Rough Justice_(1) Perfectly titled. Powerfully written. Thank you for the wild and terrifying ride. I need a valium.

2010-05-10 00:22:30 A Different Kind of Love LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!! You have the funniest Trolls yet! Then I think about their real lives and it makes me sad. Like a good incest story, the fantasy is so entertaining but to consider the reality is so sad. If I knew the Trolls weren't really so pitiful in real life, I wouldn't have to feel so damned guilty for laughing so hard at them. Did you read that one's comment that was obviously trying to attack what was a completely different story? Or did I just miss the 10 y.o. the mixed up Troll tried to refer to?

I've got to tell you, this is one exellent love story. I just wish all your stories were romances. You have a magic touch in this genre. That's half of what makes your Trolls so hilarious, it's such a touching and sensitive love story and your pitiful Trolls can't even tell it from porn.

I haven't read all the contest stories yet but this is definitely a frontrunner. If you're not proud, you should be. And some of the best Trolls too! Thank you.
