Comments from onehandedtypist

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-07 16:50:01 Could That Have Been Her? I can tell you put alot of time into your story. It shows. Very nice.
2011-03-07 22:09:28 Nothing Compares Kind of sad. It speaks of regret, of wishing what could have been, was.
2011-03-12 19:06:24 Swapping Girlfriends Good job blueheatt. The only thing is if there was a little bit more detail in the sex parts. Other than that, I liked it.
2011-03-13 14:58:31 Anonymous reader
2011-03-13 14:44:23
Dumbest story I have ever read..... Not even really a rape story

Thanks for the comment. Hope to hear more from you.
2011-03-14 16:22:42 Anonymous reader
2011-03-14 08:46:57
To the Halfwittedtypist... the guy's right. It's a stupid assed story. Exactly what was the fucking point?? There was barely a flash of eroticism to it and then it turned dumb-assed stupid. You get a well deserved negative.

Thanks alot. Glad you loved the story.