Comments from Hardrive

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-03 03:02:10 THE MOON STONE, part 3 (THREE) Dear readers, thank you for reading my story. A writer writes for his audience and I will post another chapter on this site if the story gets enough readership and ratings to justify the effort. I have been told by some that this kind of story does not belong on a porn site. Others say they don't care if the story has no sex as long as it is an enjoyable and interesting read. We shall see. Thanks again for your interest in my stories..
2012-11-15 19:26:29 THE MOON STONE FOR: Anonymous reader 2012-11-15 18:14:23

What a question.... we hardly know each other... I'm an old fashion author so you'll have to take me out first. I expect flowers, dinner and a show. Then after the third date, maybe I'll let you get to second base... but if you want to play you'll have to bring your catchers mit cause I'm brining my bat and the balls.
2012-11-25 09:42:45 THE MOON STONE, part 3 (THREE) Thank you one and all for your encouraging comments. With regard to going on with the story, It's not the muse that is lacking but the time. However I do feel a responsibility to the fans of this story and I will try and make the time and post the next chapter as soon as I can. Again, I thank you for your support and patience.
2013-01-04 14:45:56 THE MOON STONE, part 3 (THREE) I apologise to the fans of my Moon Stone story for the delay in publishing part 4. The fact is that it has been finished for almost 2 weeks. It just needs to be proofed. I've been ill for the last few weeks but I'm trying to get the proofing done. If I can't get it done in the next few days I'll post it as is and hope you will all forgive the errors. In the future I'll try to post a new chapter every month. Thanks for your patience. HD
2013-01-13 10:34:29 THE MOON STONE (Part 4) I'd like to apologize to the fans of this story for having made them wait so long before I posted this story. It was finished in late December but I got sick and put it aside for several weeks. It also took a while to get it proof read. I'm going to try to post a new chapter every 30 days but I need your help. My proof reader didn't like the way I portrayed the syndicate. He thought it was too political and too preachy. My opinion is that the real battle that is going on in the world is the rich vs the poor, the powerful vs the weak, and political corruption vs democracy. In this story I've personified one group as the evil syndicate and the other as the Champion of the light who is fighting to expose the evil group and dismantle their manipulative organization. My question to the readers is... do you agree with my proof reader or me. Should I continue to develop my story in the direction it is going or should I describe a more traditional villain? Your opinion?.