Comments from demck23

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-31 14:28:13 Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 10 - The Fall of Ron this was very good but Harry should have done hermy & put a baby in them both. liked how you made Ron fall but would have liked to see him fall more in that what he did to Luna be found out & that he has to pay big time for that.! Would like to see hary doing more ladys inclueding Susan & Luna & Tonks & both of the black sisters as well as Ginny & hermy having him get boded to all. that would drive Draco & Ron to want vengence more.
2011-07-29 10:16:40 The Potter Wives Enjoy it very much but there is only 1 harry potter 7 he didn't have brother. give all the wives to harry & enjoy that Draco & Bill are getting married too.Just keep it going & yes do finish the other storys please. This is a very good one so keep it going. Enjoyed reading it & I say to those who didn't like it to bad if you don't write don't say anything to those who do. Dave
2011-08-02 08:11:59 I found my sister stripping. Loved it My older sister did it when she was in college to help pay her bills because she & Mom & dad had a very big fight over her going to College in Toronto. I was in the army & was set to do training at a base near To. I stoped in to see her & was told she was at work they girls just told me to go to this address god she was hot stripping.. keep it going yumm
2011-08-02 08:15:21 I found my sister stripping Ch 2 Can't wait for the next part hope gets the three of them PG and he moves in with them . love the action lets have lots more. very hot
2011-08-02 08:24:05 I found my sister stripping Ch 3 Yes by all meens keep it going & don't let anyone but him do amber or his sister. Have him do Dixi ass too filling her pussy full making them all his and geting them knockup too. would to see him getting his sister that way and the parents finding out too. I just don't like holy rollers mine where that way when growing up. Lots more action some at the club with some of the other girls seeing his rod. have him with the only big shaft no others. keep it going damm your internet is down. hopfully up very soon