Comments from WantSumCandyLittleGirl

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-06 14:51:58 Blackjack! Part 2 The first installment was great, but this sequel was too rushed, too contrived, too predictable. You should have taken as much time with this "chapter" as you did with the prelude. It was obvious from the first portion that the Aunt would want some of the nephew, and it was predictable that she would show up during the cousin scene. Sorry, not quite as good as the first segment. Good writing, though.
2010-06-09 20:28:10 It Was an Accident, Honest!_(1) Excellent story, excellent story. Not like a lot of porn stories, but very well thought out and written. More than a joy to read, it kept me enthralled the entire way. Thank you so very much.
2010-06-25 16:06:28 Forced Incest Good story. Not sure I would agree with one of the reviewers (Cly) about dyng instead of fucking. My philosophy is it is always better to be a live coward than a dead hero. Besides, being forced at gunpoint to fuck your sister can't be all that bad, can it?
2010-06-25 16:23:40 Incessantly Incestant Son For one, SDT doesn't know what he/she is talking about. Incest does happen and you do an excellent job of writing and describing the fantasy of intercourse between a son and his mother. Excellent write, excellent story. Thanks for sharing.
2010-06-25 16:23:52 Incessantly Incestant Son For one, SDT doesn't know what he/she is talking about. Incest does happen and you do an excellent job of writing and describing the fantasy of intercourse between a son and his mother. Excellent write, excellent story. Thanks for sharing.