Comments from tipi

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-11 17:55:46 Seduction of a third part 3 She always wanted to try the 2 cocks in her pussy at the same time but I lost her in an auto accident.

Tore my whole life apart to this day. That was 7yrs, 11months, 1 week, 6 days and 21 hrs ago.

I still love my wife with all of my mind, body, heart, and soul. I LOVE YOU " ROBIN "
2015-12-02 22:50:30 The night our mmf threesome fantasy became a reality_(1) I absolute;y love your story ,,,,,,,,,, all of it as it reminds me of some of my ex-girlfriends ( still friends ) and my late wife. My tiny, petite wife and I loved 3sums with other men and an occasional woman at times.
I really loved and enjoyed watching her sucking a cock PLUS we enjoyed me holding and guiding other cocks into her pussy and watching them slide in and out of her as her pussy lips clung to their cocks till they came inside of her and slowly pull out of her .
She loved us taking turns fucking her and for us to enjoy the feeling the extra cum in her pussy with our cocks.
We always loved that a lot.
2015-12-02 22:58:39 The night our mmf threesome fantasy became a reality_(1) I would really love to hear more of your stories with your friend ,,,,,, or of your adventures.

To me this is one of the few true accountable stories I have read, as your story sounds so much in really time with the flirts, looks, whispers and the way things actually take place.

Brings back so, so , so many exciting horny memories for me.
2015-12-02 23:00:12 The night our mmf threesome fantasy became a reality_(1) If you want contact me as I have many true stories to tell you. Love to talk with you and exchange my stories with you.

2015-12-10 18:06:28 This Is How I Fucked A Ladyboy (On Purpose) AS pretty as some of them are ,,, I would fucked a Ladyboy myself if I get the chance and for sure a lot more.
I would really enjoy fucking them like you did and jerking on their cock as well plus, feeling their tits, kissing them, sucking them and if they had a small cock I just might have them try fucking me for the very first time to see and feel what it is like and I surely would fuck them again till I couldn't cum anymore.,,,
My tiny, petite sexy wife would like to see me do that also, and I for sure would love to see a ladyboy fuck my wife and make love to her.
Just imagine what the 3 of us could do together ,,,,,,,,,,, WOW ,,,,,,,, that would be so damn hot and sexy ,,,,,,,,,,,,, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM