Comments from puddintain55

Date Story title Comment
2010-09-12 19:32:02 HERE KITTY KITTY good story. keep the story's comeing
2010-09-27 01:37:35 Second chapter of my Story fuck the (anonymous readers) all they can do is read the stories then bitch, moan,and complain. keep writing.
2010-10-27 05:41:52 'Games' with my little sisters Part 1 good story,read My 7yr old sister and me. then leave a comment
2010-10-27 05:43:51 'Games' with my little sisters Part 1 good My 7yr old sister and me . leave comment .
2012-08-30 05:27:04 my 7 year old sister and me for all you OUTRAGED (people) that read my 39 year old story and did not like it fuuuck YOU . what are doing reading this stuff IF you do not like it ? since this took place so long ago the police can NOT do a fucking thing but whine and moan JUST LIKE YOU!!!! so in closeing fuck off,get a life,write your own story and quit hideing behind (unknown) just like the COWARDS I BELIEVE you to be!!!!!!!!!!!! for all you people that want pictures they have been gone for decades .