Comments from puddintain55

Date Story title Comment
2012-08-30 05:48:57 my 7 year old sister and me just for (anonymous) reader on 8-27-2012 at 7:03,48 don't you have the balls to use a name or are you one of those pathetic lurkers that read stories like these , pound your little 3 to 4 inch pecker and then say i'm going to tattle on you .you're worse than pathetic ! As stated at beggining of the story this happened 39 now41 years ago or did you miss that?
2012-08-30 05:51:50 my 7 year old sister and me just for (anonymous) reader on 8-27-2012 at 7:03,48 don't you have the balls to use a name or are you one of those pathetic lurkers that read stories like these , pound your little 3 to 4 inch pecker and then say i'm going to tattle on you .you're worse than pathetic ! As stated at beggining of the story this happened 39 now41 years ago or did you miss that?
2013-01-20 01:32:54 my 7 year old sister and me to the DUMBSHIT that posted this (2013-01-07 17:08:07
by the way where did you get that digital camera or camera phone 37 year ago. your fake man) Inever said anything about a digital camera i used a poloroid camera. also you use the grammer of a nigger so fuck off!
2013-12-29 10:44:00 my 7 year old sister and me IF any of you so called(POLICE)think you can get me for something that happened about 40 years ago. GO FOR IT. personally I think you are a pathetic and despicable asshole that just sits around and reads these stories then pounding your 4 inch pecker and then claiming to be a cop!!!!! by the way that is called impersonating a police officer . so I will report YOU to the authorities for that. so in closing fuck off .
2013-12-29 10:58:20 my 7 year old sister and me for those of you that are ignorant fucks .I never said digital camera it was a Polaroid camera and those of you that stupid at math it was not 1947 . I said 40 years ago or for stupid people 1973. those of you that bitch about paragraphs this was my first time at writing what happened.