Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-25 00:05:47 My First Adventure Absolutely excellent... you accomplished a big 'load dump' for me with your first story.... I wish you lived next door so we could collaborate on stories... and other things. :)
Whether you continue with this story or start another, KEEP WRITING!
2014-10-18 06:16:57 Ally and Caleb Please remember... any criticism is meant to help the story and/or the writer. Even those comments that seem cruel should be taken as constructive. I.E. 'LOL wtf was that'.. it simply means that the reader was disappointed in what he/she read. Everyone has a first story. Everyone writes a bad story. Please don't get too disappointed and quit writing. On the other hand, don't push too fast. Read your story, re-read your story. Change anything that doesn't seem to be right. If you plan to write a story in more than one chapter, label it as being 'chapter 1', etc. You're only 19. You can edit as many times as you want. When you reach the point that you have written something which you would enjoy reading, then post it. Good luck and (just like I tell my girlfriend when she has my cock in her mouth) Don't stop now!
2014-10-30 18:36:16 Home Schooling_(2) Doc88102, Don't be concerned about the aspiring English teacher who only has enough guts to post as "anonymous reader".
You just keep writing what you want & every story will get better.
I have 3 published books and enjoy all kinds of scenarios.
Lauren needs all three of those fourteen year-old cocks in her... at one time.
2015-05-13 12:41:22 Taken by my Brother Great, well written story. I was hard as a preacher's dick at a double wedding after the first few paragraphs. Thanks...
2015-01-31 04:07:41 DADDY SECRET STORY Very good... Keep up the good work.