Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-02 04:36:51 THE GAY BAR_(0) With all the positive comments, I have to confess... my brother wrote this one.
The only cock I've had in my mouth was his, when we were very young.
The story above could actually have some truth in it, though... he is definitely bi..
2015-08-02 04:14:16 You Couldn't Keep Your Eyes Off My Titties_(0) I'll take every word of that as a compliment.
Thank you.
Please go ahead and write, anyway... you may just find out it's easier than you think.
One more thing, I seem to enjoy stories posted by ladies most...
2015-08-02 04:20:02 I Had to Rape the Little Bitch Thanks to most of you. To the reader who is concerned about 'cheating'... the tags read, Anal, Blowjob, Discipline, Incest, Male / Females, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Rape, Wife, Young... and CHEATING is your concern? YOU may be the one fucked up if you read it anyway..
2015-08-02 04:08:59 The Rape of Young Kate_(0) Pyroclast, if you read the tags and objected to the implications, why in the fuck did you read the story...
Twistedsoul666, thanks, but no series on this one.
2015-08-02 04:04:38 Josh Gets Drunk and Rapes His Sister_(0) I had to re-post after making age adjustments. It was written when XNXX required 16 as the minimum age, then they changed it to 18.
I've had to do this with several stories and deleted some that were just too much trouble to change.
Thanks for keeping up with me, though.