Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-30 03:14:58 Another time I was watching Judge Cooke. Judge Cooke series #2 Good, good, good... on to the next one..
2015-07-30 03:07:40 Spanking and Sexual Awakening. Judge Cooke Series # 1 Myra, you have the start of a really good series here. True story, too. That makes it even better.
I can see myself jacking off many times before I'm through all these. Thank you, ma'am.
2015-07-02 02:47:41 Kris and Kat, The Swensen Girls Excuse me 'anonymous' I'm 72 fuckin' years old and I LIVED those early '60's hippie years. If you choose to make a constructive comment on my stories, register with XNXX so can tell you all the damn things I think YOU did wrong.
2015-07-02 03:09:49 My Little Virgins Part 3 To the anonymous reader of 12/30/13... you failed biology class didn't you?
2015-07-05 05:04:34 Couldnt Help Myself AshleyAke... There's no way I am going to tell you to stop writing. I won't tell you this is garbage, like some of the 'anonymous' readers have.
However, I will encourage you to look over your work and compare it to a few other authors on XNXX.
If you have a friend, cousin, brother or somebody that could review your work before posting it, please ask them to do so.
Everybody has stories to tell... everybody wants to read stories.
Take the time to proofread, paragraph and edit your stories. You will be proud of the way they look and how well they can be read.
I'm unsure of the 'True Story' tag, but the scenario has potential.
Try again and don't hurry it.. Don'sdick
By the way, please accept my invitation to read my posts.