Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-23 15:21:23 My best friends wife Mary Easy to believe this is a true story. Many, many cheating housewives out there.
I've found a few, myself.
Good story & well written.
2015-07-12 14:58:50 The Youngest Sister HEY! ALL YOU 'ANONYMOUS' IDIOTS OUT THERE... It's a fucking story!
I'll be willing every Goddamn one of you got a hard-on reading it, regardless of spelling and other errors.
2015-07-12 15:07:27 Bouncing on the Mower AWESOME!
2015-07-12 15:15:50 My first Time_(27) I like this story, I love incest, I'm jacking off right now and would LOVE to meet and fuck you. There... why not be honest about it?
2015-07-12 15:20:14 My First Time (2) Damn, I like this story line...