Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-12 15:23:37 Her First Time (by Dad) Liked Tara's version a little better.
2015-07-12 15:32:51 THE AWAKENING_(1) I was fucking my sister when she was eight. Probably would have started at six if I'd already known how awesome fucking was. Good job, Judy64
2015-07-12 19:41:39 Penny's Questions, And Her Kisses, Started It All Thank you! Glad I can 'help her out'...
2015-07-13 02:59:28 The Accident_(1) Forget the turd who only posts negative criticism under the guise of 'anonymous reader'.
Every story has its flaws, whether it's the plot, spelling, or a million other scenarios.
The easiest way to eliminate most... spellcheck and have another party read your composition before posting.
I'm not much into this type (vampires, etc.) stories, but I can definitely see promise of a good story in the making.
N-E-V-E-R let anybody discourage you from writing.
I'll gladly read any follow-up because I'm here for the porn.
Hmmmm..... wonder what it's like to fuck a vampire... or a lady who writes about it?? :)
2015-07-13 03:20:06 The Degradation of Terry This is a site for STORIES... this is a good story. I would never participate in this much pain and humiliation (although I have raped... more than once) but I enjoyed your story.