Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-21 00:32:39 10 Years Assuming there will be more parts to this story, which is well written and interesting, I'd like to see a separation in the formatting between the quotes of different people.
I realize this will be ten years worth of tales, but let's get his cock wet pretty quick in the next part, please.
2015-07-21 02:06:46 lake trip Good work, reallady... thanks.
2015-07-21 02:16:31 My second time at the lake. I've done lots of incest in my long lifetime. Sisters, cousins, mother-in-law, two sisters-in-law and two nieces of my wife's. So much good pussy has crossed my path and I'm thankful for it.
I now have three beautiful granddaughters that better never make me an offer...
Oh, yes... I like the story... positive vote
2015-07-21 02:18:47 The Pool Party_(3) I'm liking your stories ... keep 'em up.
2015-07-21 02:40:21 Blind Fuck Fuck yes... good story. And, if you're going to rape a girl, why not a pretty one? Why not a blind one... they need cock, too.