Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-24 02:01:33 Mom doing anything for kids has a new meaing - 2 Oh, my... I love this story line and I love incest. Been doing it since I was eight. Sis, cuz, aunt & Sis-in-law.
Never did a Marsha Mom... but I do believe I would.
2016-08-24 01:39:27 Sister and her friend that hates me 4 Okay, Chuckeroo... I've read all the comments (you disabled them on part, two} and, although some good points have been raised, there's been some nasty bullshit, too.
Usually, that kind of crap comes from those who couldn't write a story if their life depended on it.
A quick word of advice from an old man, published novelist and porn story addict.
Put the phone down and write, rewrite and edit your stories before copy & pasting them to XNXX.
Start new paragraphs (or even sentences) at the margin.
Leave a space in your copy every 4-8 sentences.
This will make a much better reading experience, and you will feel better about how it looks.
Good story line, but watch out for repetition... bra and cup sizes for example. One can have a 32-C, but let the next have 'small grapefruit' sized.
Keep writing, though, and good luck.
2016-12-18 04:41:23 My Wedding night_(1) Another fine one. My sister got mad at her boyfriend on the night they got engaged. He got drunk & slapped her. When she told me about it, I told her to take a shower (he had already fucked her, too) and go to bed.
I left my apartment and found him, beat the hell out of his drunk ass (as well as his stupid brother) and left both of them lying in the street, holding their aching nuts.
Sis spent the whole weekend in my apartment, fucking and sucking my brains out.
She never married that asshole, but when she and I can get away from our spouses, we can still get it on.
2016-12-18 04:17:50 Kate and Dylan on Vacatiion Wonderful incest story. I loved it!
2017-01-01 03:57:59 Thanksgiving Storm I have similar stories... some true. I just finished reading this, which was the last of your fine stories.
I like complete :) stories.
Sequel after sequel has to be really good to keep my interest.
The only thing I can think of that would make your stories better is for this perverted old man to be your dad or uncle.. :)