Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-01 02:56:07 "Mistaken Identity" Short, cumplete :), fine story line. More, please..
2017-01-01 03:03:37 Daughter's Black out Damn.. I love incest and, right now, my cock is hard enough to use as a splittin' wedge.
Keep up the good work.
2017-01-01 03:14:28 Foster Daddy for my Birthday Great! Lucky ass, Clifford.
2017-01-01 05:02:48 Sara's revenge fuck, part 2 And to the first doubter... you say 40 years ago? Try 1962, asshole. Lots of states only had 3.2 beer.
Mine had 3.2 in the joints and grocery stores, but the liquor stores had it all... and yes, turd, you had to be 21 or older to buy.
2016-08-28 04:01:18 Naughty Natalie: Male Perspective Oh, my, Ms. Vixen... you want some help researching the next story??
Good work, Ma'am.
Just one thing... shorter paragraphs would help readers.