Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2020-09-22 03:53:19 Dessert for Two Very good! I prefer complete stories over 'chapters', but I gotta go read your others.
2020-09-23 04:09:46 New Neighbors-pt.1 You may need to change the introduction, or Donna's age.
Assuming she was only 18 when Dawn was born, that would make the girl only 12.
I could relate a similar experience with a 15yr old when I was her softball coach, but I'll save that one for one of my stories.
Otherwise, good work.
BTW, I prefer full stories to 'chapters', but carry on.
2020-10-03 04:49:45 Naughty Betty Sold My House- pt-1 GREAT! I would love to have that place in the woods, and I have a former teenager I would like to share it with.
2020-10-13 20:52:05 Tricking my husband into fucking a bitch dog When I was a kid, I fucked a dog, half a dozen goats, a three day old foal, my sister and two cousins.
Hell, I'm 77 now and would do it all again.
Good story, a little bit of proofreading would help. Keep it up (this one kept mine up)
2020-10-23 20:05:44 Cheating on my Husband Good story, I voted positive.
Proofreading and punctuation would make for easier reading,
I'll be traveling to the UK someday.. sure would like a hookup.