Comments from Jswab
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-02-16 21:22:21 | Death while on duty | @Anon I actually have another story in mind that is based off the same concept. I'll see what I can come up with. |
2012-03-01 20:39:08 | A father's ultimate sacrifice | Lol, just a story bro. =P |
2012-03-05 03:08:37 | 3 Evil Sisters-Part 6 | Lol @ Somestory. You're that much of a retard you can't at least hide your password better? Since my password is a 'random' password, I sent it to my email so I can copy and paste. You honestly expect us to believe your sister erased it, and no you have no way to get back in your account? The truth is, these AREN'T your stories. I did a search on Google, and came across these same stories on other sites, posted by SOMEONE ELSE! The reason you haven't posted a new story is because the person you're ripping them from hasn't posted one. You low life fuckturd. If you're going to rip off someone's story, at least give them credit for the theft. I've lost all my respect for you. You can go die now. |
2012-03-05 16:18:27 | 3 Evil Sisters-Part 6 | @Anon FYI, my IQ far exceeds yours, dipshit. Fact of the matter is, If I was writing these stories, I'd have respect for my readers, and would get stories posted in a decent time length. I have found several versions of this story on various other sites, some that were on there before they were posted here. SS is a fraud, which is why it's taking him so long to post, he's waiting for the real writer of the story to publish part 7 so he can rip it and claim it as his own. More proof of this is, when you're a writer, you get deep into your work. You'd work on your story constantly, wanting to improve it and get it to your audience in a decent time, and I should know, I've been writing books for several years now. SS is nothing more than a wannabe writer. |
2012-03-06 06:58:31 | 3 Evil Sisters-Part 6 | LOL, that really just made my morning. You think I'm jealous of his stories? Damn you're funny! I could give a fuck less! I know his stories are better, and it doesn't bother me at all. Funny thing is, all of you are asking for proof, yet, you don't seem to be intelligent enough to go look for it yourselves. |