Comments from biglw17

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-14 08:16:03 man i gotta say this series is ridiculously legendary.
i love the length of each chapter,
i love the people in each chapter,
i love how depictive it is on such a great scale, like chapter 5 was paul telling dawn the story, the way you wrote was so amazingly right on how a person would tell it, is crazy...
i would be very very sad to not see anymore chapters for this story
2011-04-10 01:33:50 The Siblings Great story, glad you posted it.
I hope you post the other parts very soon.
2011-04-23 02:32:02 Talia: Part One After i read this story i said out loud
"That was awesome"
in a cool, mello way.

Great story bro, i really don't have any complaints here, besides maybe you could show some more description on how they look so we could see them more clearly in our mind, tho i did get the jist of how they look so its not that big of a deal.

Hope to see more parts soon.
2011-04-30 02:45:22 Brave New World 1 this was a pretty good story, wish there was more in this chapter,
but i can see that this story could be really good i hope you post more soon.
2011-05-05 04:25:11 Full Circle - Chapter Seven Beautifully done my friend, so happy to see another chapter up.
Not much to say, except i hope to see the next one soon.
