Comments from |Crazed|Desire|

Date Story title Comment
2010-08-23 00:30:55 Bob and his wife "Geez, Bob, you picked up a bitch this time" Lol! thats so fricken funny
2010-08-23 01:15:19 Explanation of Cuckold. Rated Positive cuz that what i call humour :P Also I agree where 'DOES' "Z DZ A" come from...
2010-08-23 02:12:14 If Only. underneath this one was me... ends up i wasnt logged in :P
2010-08-24 05:41:08 Taxi Home Lol... Again something funny by Wimmers.
2010-08-26 05:04:50 DOMINATE ME_(2) Wow, I thought it was really good :D
And to the person who first psted a comment there criticism and then theres insulting... I think you are a great writer to be honest, and also I think theres already some flow in it, and it great because it rhymse so well-done :3