Comments from blueheatt

Date Story title Comment
2010-12-16 22:58:57 My Mom's Obsession with Me To the person concerned with the dad, you see he fell in love with a girl who played the tuba in a high school band. She turned him into a frog. ....but I left that part out.....
2010-12-16 23:18:23 Trisha and her hot Mom To the Jr. High teacher, I set my daughters Jr. High school teacher on fire. I just didn't like the way he looked at my daughter.
2014-10-13 21:22:51 Avery cool story. well told
2011-01-06 10:49:50 Mothers Secret Code Part II is in the works, I get hot typing it!
2011-01-07 20:55:28 The Brother and Sister Next Door (7) jenni768 I'm very impressed, can't wait to hear your story. True stories are the very best. Blueheatt