Comments from blueheatt

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-30 18:50:15 Mom's Horny Pills Why thank you 'Msr.Shakespeare
(click on 'VOTES' above"
...for the nice comment and the NEGATIVE vote! ??????
2011-05-03 15:44:17 How I met her I noticed on your vote list ...the negitive vote. the guy says he is telling me buddy!!!....Great story, keep up the good work...
2011-05-04 15:42:14 Full Circle - Chapter Seven I think I clicked on your story, but didn't see a fucking thing because I'm BLIND....(private inside joke )
DITO what Ghostrider939 said.....10/10
2011-05-05 17:11:24 My Wife wants to Cheat 2 dicks in one pussy? Click on 'Tags' and go to DP. It can mean pussy/ass, pussy/pussy or pussy/oral or ass/oral.
2011-05-06 12:11:19 Mom's Horny Pills Why thank you Msr. FAKEspeare for your comments