Comments from Harley Whore

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-28 18:09:13 Incestuous Harem 7: Bratty Sis Gets Soaked FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!! My cunt got totally soaked reading that! Please keep this series going! I can't wait to see what Clint does with that slut-uddered sow Zoey and his aunt. Please more water sports and more bralessness and exhibitionism!
2016-11-05 20:25:47 Incestuous Harem 2: Banging Mom Hard Amazing!! And kudos for the watersports angle! Piss is truly the beverage of choice for all the nastiest cunts!
2016-11-05 19:34:08 Incestuous Harem 1: Popping Kissing Cousin's Cherry Outstanding!! Don't let the negative comments dissuade you. I wish every story was as "poorly-written" as this!

A little bit of constructive feedback:
1) Although the cat is already out of the bag, so to speak (and maybe for the best, given the site rules), you can avoid the age discrepancy issue by just putting an 18+ disclaimer at the top of the story and then just referring to people's class in school, or their driving status, or being underage to buy alcohol or cigarettes. Not so jarring and inconsistent that way.

2) Follow your muse! Don't worry about pleasing other people who might not like this or that. And don't let yourself self-censor out of a sense of embarrassment or good taste. Raw honesty has an incredible power!
3) The one angle that you've already introduced and that I would love to see pushed further is keeping Clint's harem dressed and behaving as wantonly sluttish as possible. No bras, no panties, public exhibitionism!

Keep up the great work
2016-11-22 13:31:20 Incestuous Harem 6: Disciplining My Bratty Sis So hot! Can't wait for piss to start flowing, and for Clint to start REALLY degrading his nasty cunts!
2017-01-02 17:07:31 Incestuous Harem 11: Virgin Gift_(1) Another winner! I'd love to see Zoey decide that she wants to be Clint's Number One Slut, and start getting very competitive with Melody, Alicia, and Pam by demonstrating her complete willingness to degrade herself completely for Clint (dressing outrageously slutty, drinking piss, and encouraging Clint to pursue is most perverted pleasures).