Comments from DirtyDaddy1966

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-18 22:22:25 My Japanese Love Part 8 I am sorry you ended this story I loved it. I can see that it could branch off into a much lager story.
2011-06-18 23:01:48 Daddy's Little Girl Part 2 It is more like daddy; brother's and best friend's little girl not bad but too many people can't be a romance.
2011-06-20 08:08:24 My Uncle's New Wife Great story keep on going I would like to see if Ashley joins in or wants Jim all to herself. I rate it 10/10
2011-06-20 12:38:57 Great story I was hard all the way thru it.
2011-06-21 00:19:12 Interesting story and are there going to be anymore girls added or maybe any single moms going to join (don't forget the BLUE PILL) move the daughter into dad's room