Comments from DirtyDaddy1966

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-10 04:53:03 Best Sister in the World!!! Part 3 Let the kids find out that Mom and Dad are also bother and sister
2012-05-31 20:14:02 Endless Summer Part 2 Love the story. It would be nice if you had Desmond & Lumi Fall in Love. And damm everyone needs a red head as hot as Lauryn.
Keep up the great work can't wait till part 3
2012-05-31 20:15:50 Endless Summer Part 2 Damm laptop screwy key board
2013-08-26 18:33:10 I Caught Mom Or Did She Catch Me 3 Change his sister's birth control pills to sugar pills and get her pregnant.
Then get the mom pregnant and run off the dad. GREAT story so far keep up the good work.