Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-31 18:25:54 Jessica & her son Jimmy Please tell me why every night can't be like this.

He will dry fuck you for about 3 years and one day he will cum.

I would have loved to have dropped my very 1st load inside my mothers pussy.

He can make a Baby at 12, so its just a little while longer and you can have some fun in the mean time.

Now if its male/Female at that age i feel entirely different. Or if moms a 350lb pig.
2011-04-09 19:00:37 The Siblings I wanted to log in before making a comment on this story.

It is perhaps the Best Story of its type I have ever read. The development of the Plot and the people in the story are fantastic.

The development of the relationship between the Sister and Borther is done is such a way that you cannot in anyway call this Porn. It is a love story about two kids.

Yes I am looking forward to the parts yet to be posted that have the Sex. However I love development and conversation. The sharing of some very private moments some never before covered. "If you want to see me change my Tampon you can watch" Show the love and trust in the relationship.

This is extremely well written and you feel you are there. It has a To Kill A Mocking Bird Quality. Zeus24 I am so glad you posted it. It will be in my Faves and I will be looking forward to the rest.

I am into to or three very narrow nitches of Porn, and this fills it all. Exceot Amputee Sex. So lets see the rest great story,
2011-04-11 16:09:33 THE SIBLINGS chapter 2, Opening moves The only problem with work this good and of this quality is that it spoils reading the rest of the dribble, and you lose interest.

My interest lies in a very narrow nich of Porn. Amputee Sex is my other area of interest.
2011-04-12 15:46:15 Paladin, Paladin Where Do You Roam Strange Evan for you. Great work, just not my type of story, but great work regardless.

Now if you could do somthing on Amputee Sex with Teens and a little incest thrown in. Or Hermathrodite Love Story, With a little incest in that.

Handicapeable Sex etc. Or Sex among The Little People or the Special People.

I am tired of this perfact body, routine.

Did you know that they Have underwater Hotels in the Fiji Islands

You are an extremely fine writer, and I am a huge fan of yours.
2011-04-14 19:17:26 Always and Forever I really liked this story, Its cute, it is how Sex Happens between Teenagers more oftenb then Not.

Some of the White People won't like it because the people in the story are both Black or Black mixed and as the Girl said there parents are loaded.

They think , if they think at all that Black Girls get started at a young age by being Raped. Gladly Not So Much.

For the Lower middle Class, Middle Class and Upper Middle Class, its more or less the same as every one else.

All Blacks do not crave White Skin.

This is more how a Black Girln would go about doing it, Just Do It. Once the mindis made up the body follows. Strong Women means just that Strong Women.

If you are a Raceist, Turn the page and get over it.

Good job 1st Try, Develop things a little better. Spelling Grammer, Spacing Great.

It was a given she was Wet when he nailed her. Does not have to be in the Story. The Forever and always thing is a little weak, but why Not. There kids.