Comments from Emma123
Date | Story title | Comment |
2010-12-25 14:03:32 | The rise and fall of a boy called Rave part 2 | I liked Rave taking Bex on a real date, I think it made this butch syhchotic feel like a girl again and their sex was HOT in a warm way! A;sp, liked Faye's listening through the thin walls, that was cute and funny. |
2010-12-25 14:09:59 | The rise and fall of a boy called Rave part 2 | I liked Rave taking Bex on a real date, I think it made this butch psychotic feel like a girl again and their sex was HOT! Also, liked Faye's listening through the thin walls, that was cute and funny. |
2010-12-31 12:29:36 | I loved this story, incredibly sexy and romantic! If only real life could make it so! I loved when Rick said to Wanda: "How about if we walk with each other from now on" That was so poetic a way of asking for a relationship, best I've heard! It's true that you don't know where you will find your true mate, if you ever do, so no matter the race difference I would count myself so miraculously fortunate. This was a very well written story that I enjoyed so much and I rate it as ten, thank you Slippery Saddle. |
2011-01-02 00:08:52 | Cousin violates me | He was raped and no he is not gay, his body responded because it will respond sexually in such a situation, that is a biological natural. I understand his great fear of his much more stronger and violent brother, so that he gave up resisting. But, to save whomever he really is; I mean his individuality and self esteem he needs to stop future attacks either by reporting his brother or doing something violently painful to him. When I was a young girl I was weak and a sentimentalist, so my much greater in strength and very mean sister pleasured herself by viciously beating me up every week. Finally I pushed myself beyond my fear by forcing myself to feel so much hate for my sister so that the next time she jumped me I became a raving animal fighting viciously without fear; like a Cat does! I did not win the fight but neither did she, for once I inflicted some pain on her; later she told mother I was crazy during the fight. She never sought to fight me nor pick on me again. |
2011-01-03 16:02:56 | Another excellent story Slippery Saddle, I am thankful that you keep having that special unique creative well to draw from. It was wonderful that Kim could be so loving and selfless to share her husband for his greater well being and also to help Marilyn in her distress. I'm rather sure I could not have been so selfless as well as my own fears of eventually losing Tom entirely. However, Kim was wise, this may actually save her marriage because no matter how much one loves another an extreme deficit of sex fulfillment will kill the relationship. Loved the sex, very HOT! and Tom is a wonderful lover and with a great tool; I can understand Marilyn fainting! Thanks Slippery for your post notes they are warmly received; as a mature adult I have experienced how true your words are. |