Comments from Impax

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-14 04:34:32 Twins, Ch 3 Twins Ch 4 is a work in progress. I have other ideas for stories, so I am going to write an ending for these. If I can. Endings are the hardest part of writing porn. I seem to never want the fantasy to stop.
2011-05-17 04:03:20 Stages 3 negative votes so far... If you are going to vote my stories down, please, at least tell me why so I can make improvementsin my next ones.
2011-05-23 02:11:34 The Touch_(1) I did pay attention in English class, enough to know when to capitalize. Sorry for not indenting. All future stories I post are going to have paragraphs separated by a blank line, too. I run a spell checker on all of them before posting and fix the errors it shows up. If you want more doneto it than that, copy/paste it into a Word doc and do it yourself.
2011-06-09 13:49:08 Package Deal 2 Awesome, man!! Thanks!!
2011-08-16 13:45:13 Man of the House, part one Ummm, do you not read the tags attached to the stories before reading them? Man of the House clearly has "rape" in there. You are reading stories on xxnx; and you think they are going to be all sugary with hapy endings? Yeesh. Get a grip on reality before sling names around, dude. And letting my demons out in these stories keeps them from coming out in RL.