Comments from Rufus_T_Firefly

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-17 00:19:42 My Sister Suzie Q Completely unreadable.
2011-04-18 00:27:36 Birthday sex - re written due to poor spelling The spelling is still very poor. The sentence construction is poor and use of paragraphs non-existent. Unless English is not your primary language, this is total drivel.
2012-05-04 17:52:53 Cousin Amanda First Time incest. The sentence structure is horrible. The capitalization, punctuation and spelling is even worse. If English is not your first language, then I recommend that you write the story in your native tongue and then have it translated by someone who is fluent in English.
2013-03-02 21:45:55 The Rapper and the Sportscaster - Down in The Dumps Totally unreadable garbage.
2013-03-12 22:05:04 A very well done chain of stories. I am eagerly awaiting part V.